Wednesday 30 November 2011

I am really sorry I haven't posted something since forever but I have a intense summer course at the moment and I have no time to scratch myself so there will some coming soon, I promise.

2 more days to go and i'll be free!

Sunday 6 November 2011

These are some birthday cards I have made. They are also for sale I can do specific orders if you like you can choose from lots of colours these are a few I have played with, blank insides as well.
Hey again, this is an image I did for an editorial work. The article was about how american students have lowered the standards of their intelligence in the schooling system. This is the second image to go in the corner about 1/4 of the page.

Thursday 27 October 2011

heyy ya'll
I thought I might start pimping my blog with some previous work from uni.
Now these three little characters are my own creation due to a independent project.
Walter, Pierre and Charles are all done in a stippling technique, throught this blog you'll get to see lots of it becuase for some weird reason I kind of enjoy it. Stippling for those who don't know much it's pretty much lots of dots built together to create tone and shape
it's not commonly used as a technique and in the business in illustration but it is something im interesting in seeing how I can apply it to the market. This was part of my independent project, I applied these little birdies to notebooks which I will post later along with their personalities :) 

Tuesday 25 October 2011


Heyy Everyone,
This is a new blog for me, for those who don't know me, I am currently a 2nd year illustration design student and Unisa. This blog is just me posting my work, and creations. Mostly I want to get feedback (good and bad) so I can improve. Since this is my first blog I would just like to say welcome and enjoy!  Heres my first image (pretty simple one)