Thursday 27 October 2011

heyy ya'll
I thought I might start pimping my blog with some previous work from uni.
Now these three little characters are my own creation due to a independent project.
Walter, Pierre and Charles are all done in a stippling technique, throught this blog you'll get to see lots of it becuase for some weird reason I kind of enjoy it. Stippling for those who don't know much it's pretty much lots of dots built together to create tone and shape
it's not commonly used as a technique and in the business in illustration but it is something im interesting in seeing how I can apply it to the market. This was part of my independent project, I applied these little birdies to notebooks which I will post later along with their personalities :) 

Tuesday 25 October 2011


Heyy Everyone,
This is a new blog for me, for those who don't know me, I am currently a 2nd year illustration design student and Unisa. This blog is just me posting my work, and creations. Mostly I want to get feedback (good and bad) so I can improve. Since this is my first blog I would just like to say welcome and enjoy!  Heres my first image (pretty simple one)